Friday, April 17, 2009

On Winning...

Yesterday, I won a little dragon's egg from FaerieRebecca's Shop on Etsy. It is made out of wool. I have been having more experiences with wool lately. At Crafty Mama's hosted by Mama Roots, we have made eggs (or coccoons) by wet felting wool. For that, one would pour hot water in a bowl with a little ivory soap. The next step would be to choose the wool that you would want for an egg. I chose light grayish brown for the cocoon. Then, you spread the wool apart, place it on a plastic egg, lightly dip the egg into the water, and gently roll the egg. After about three hours or so of adding wool, I had a cocoon that I was happy with for my son. I also experienced needle felting that evening. Mama Roots graciously taught me how to make antennae for a little caterpillar that she had made. I would really love to felt some more. Now, I need to make a butterfly. Someday, I'm hoping to use all these neat craft ideas I'm learning from all these nice people to teach my son the joy of making things by hand.

If you would like to learn more about FaerieRebecca and her work, here are two links: one to her shop on etsy and the other to her blog.

Have a great weekend everyone! Enjoy Earth Day!


  1. wahoo- lucky gal you will love her stuff! We will have to do some more felting soon! Love the header picture on your blog! Add you to my sidebar so I can find you easily each day! Hugs to your little fella today!

  2. Thanks! :) I'm glad that you found me! I thought it might be fun to blog some ideas and experiences. I look forward to more felting! See you Sunday, I hope.
