Monday, May 4, 2009

May Day Weekend

I've had a pretty full yet not fulfilling until today weekend, so I'm sorry that I haven't had a chance to post the May Day Basket my fiance and I made on Thursday night. It was so much fun to make this basket. It was also difficult to try to make a basket that someone else would appreciate. Firstly, the basket is made out of a cardboard box, construction paper, glue, newspaper, watercolor, tape, and pipe cleaners. All of the items used were reused even the construction paper. We glued on a brown square for the bottom of the basket. Then we covered the sides with purple paper. We coated the inside with yellow. Lastly, my fiance made 1 in. by 1 in. squares to stagger onto the purple paper for a basket like effect. I don't have mature flowers outside of my house, so I just made some out of newspaper and watercolor. First, I cut out variations of circles to watercolor with shades of purple and red. Then, my fiance threaded the pipe cleaners through the center of each flower. I was too scared to rip them. I filled the basket with the flowers and gifts. These gifts were for the mama: a book, tea, and lotion, the little lady: a book of May Day rhymes and songs, candy, and play dough, and the little baby: a blanket, and a book. The flower seeds were for everybody. The picture above is of the basket on the couch that I labored on. I never want to get rid of it. I hope to continue this tradition in years to come. Perhaps, next year our son can be more involved. He was trying to cut out the paper. He wanted to put the pink squares on the purple paper too. :) He really wants to help. I hopes that desire continues as a personality trait.

I loved receiving our basket. I was really concerned that the basket would be soaking wet by the time that I got home from work, but our May Day fairy was smart. She had put our treasures in a box covered with paper in a bag. The treasures were a turqouise necklace, flower seeds, candy, a purse, a book on gardening, a bracelet, a beautiful card with Fairy stickers attached to the amazingly sturdy yet beautiful paper with the tiniest clothes pin I have ever seen (so cute!). I'm not sure how our May Day fairy was able to think of all these treasures that I absolutely love. Turqoise is one of my favorite stones of all time. When I was little, I had a heart of turqouise ring. I'm not sure where it is now, but I remember looking at it all the time. Before I met my fiance, I wanted to teach on a Native American reservation. The bracelet looks like it came from a Native American tribe. I wish I knew which one, but perhaps I will find out someday. The reason I say that is because it is made with very little beads that point in arrows around to a neverending place. The bag that was hard to find anything in has been replaced by the purse. It is a beautiful rainbow with compartments. I do love to garden. I wish we owned a house, so I could do more gardening. We have planted Forget Me Nots this year. We have transplanted an Easter Lily and two Irises. I really would like to plant some strawberries, but we're leaving for Bulgaria in two weeks for a month. The Fairies on the card reminded me of this book that I used to check out repeatedly from the library when I was a little girl. I really wish that I knew the title of the book. It was light pink and had pictures of different kinds of fairies on each page. If there was any book on this Earth that I would cherish to have that I don't have, the fairy book would be it. So, my May Day fairy, whoever, you are thanks for listening somehow to my true self.

So, why was my weekend unfulfilled? There was supposed to be a book party held in my honor in lieu of a bridal shower, but it turned out to be a lingerie party. The lingerie was extremely skimpy. It was thrown by people that have been a part of my life most of my life, which made it all the more hurtful. I felt lied to. I did not feel appreciated for who I was. I did not feel respected for the woman that I am. To me, natural is best. :)

On a positive note, my week has started out much more fulfilling. I've reconnected with my fiance after a weekend apart. Our son is growing more independent every day, which means that he's secure in our love for him. I got to hang out with my friend today at a labyrinth. She helps me feel like I am appreciated and respected and loved, even though we have only known each other for less than a year. I really enjoyed watching her sons play in nature. They were so happy and peaceful. They both gave me tokens of kindness: a rock which I will use with our unity candle and a flower petal that I will press. I'm looking forward to the journey with my son as he ages. She is putting together a Bridal Blessingway for me in lieu of a bridal shower. It's theme is based on The Red Tent. Women will gather on Thursday night to help me transition into the married life. They will bless my fiance and I's marriage with postive energy, delicious red food, tokens, stories, and mehndi. The peace in my heart runs over just anticipating our time together. I know this blog is long. Imagine how my fiance must feel every day. I love that man. :)


  1. The basket is fantastic! I'm so sorry to hear your shower was such a disappointment. I've had similar things happen - bridal shower, DS's blessing (to call it it true blessingway would be a joke). I'm so very glad you will have a Bridal Blessingway, organized by someone thoughtful who knows the Real You! I add my blessings to the Tent. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

  2. Mikayla, I can't believe I accidentally found your blog! It's great to read your words - and I'm so excited for your Bridal Blessingway - how wonderful!
    And I really like the newspaper flowers - what a great idea.
